It Is Good To Keep Us Updated
We respect your privacy but sometimes we need to contact you.
Our Bingo Bucks rewards system not only tracks your points so that we can offer you $dollar$ off discounts but it give us contact information for you in case we need to reach out to you.
There are several different reasons that we may need to contact you. But if your address, phone and email are wrong or missing then we cannot do so. If your birthday is not filled in then you won't get a Birthday Discount from us. So please update your Bingo Bucks account. Here's how:
- Go to http:/
- If you already have a login and password skip step 3
- Create a new login name and password for yourself
- You will need your bingobucks card number.
- You will create a username of your choice.
- You will create a password of your choice.
- Log In to your account.
- Go to "View/Edit Address" to edit anything that is needed.
- Click "Submit" when you are finished.
- That's it. And we thank you.